CAPLA’s University Working Group – Spring 2024

2 free presentations
May 16 | 12:00 (ET)

The Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment (CAPLA) is inviting you to a free Zoom session hosted by the Universities and RPL Working Group on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 12 noon ET.

The purpose of these meetings is to share activities, research, innovative approaches, and challenges associated with supporting non-traditional adult learners looking for recognition by the academy, to facilitate their degree completion. These individuals may have older degrees, partial university credits, a combination of work experience and international credentials, or advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities in specialty fields relevant to university courses and programs.

As Canada’s only national organization dedicated to voluntary quality RPL standards, policies and practices across sectors, the following RPL definition has been endorsed by stakeholders across the country:

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a set of processes that allow individuals to identify, document, be assessed, and gain recognition for their prior learning. The focus is on the learning, rather than context of the learning. Knowledge, skills, and abilities gained from life experiences may be formal, informal, or non-formal. RPL processes may serve several purposes, including: licensure, credit or advanced standing at an academic institution, employment, career planning, recruitment or self-knowledge. (Quality Assurance for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Canada: THE MANUAL - 2015)


Pauline Dawson, Director of Admissions at Brock University will be discussing a grant which Brock received from the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT). The funding is intended to support a university-wide PLAR/RPL implementation strategy, ranging from policy development and navigating governance approval to developing practices which support adult learners.

Tenielle McLeod, a University of Calgary graduate student in the EdD program - Adult Learning, plans to share her research and connections between adult education learning theories/ principles from the foundational scholars, and PLAR/RPL. She will also touch on her research focus which is on immigrant experience of PLAR in Saskatchewan. In addition, Tenielle intends to discuss ways that CAPLA’s RPL Quality Assurance MANUAL was helpful in her work as learner pathways facilitator at Sask Polytech from which she is currently on leave. Ideas for future work at post-secondary institutions and for immigrant integration services are expected to surface.

Register for this free session:

Or email CAPLA at .

For more information, please contact Shahrzad by email at or by phone at 613-820-7962.

Posted in PLAR/RPL Resources, Webinars.