
quebec directory


Quebec is in northeastern Canada. It is the largest of the 10 Canadian provinces. The province has a strong economy based on its skilled workers, many natural resrouces and its ability to adjust to economic change. Water is one of Quebec’s most important natural resources. The St. Lawrence River, one of the longest rivers in the world, flows for about 1200 kilometres through Quebec. The province also has more than one million lakes and rivers. Most of the population lives in the southern parts of the province. ( and wikipedia)

NOTE: Quebec’s official language is French and most of the programs and services are offered only in French. However, information on these programs and services may be available in English. Quebec has well established systems, policies and procedures for assessing and recognizing individuals prior learning. In Quebec this process is called Recognition of Acquired Competencies or Reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences (RAC).

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Access Adult Education and Career Training Center RAC – Institution Credits Immigrants Enrolled in Access Information on RAC and available programs in the health, administration and business and construction sectors. Saint-Lambert
Tel: 450.676.1843 x 5044 or 450.443.6576
Tel: 450.676.3636
Online contact form
Association communautaire d’emprunt de Montréal (ACEM) Financial assistance Immigrants Loans for Foreign Credential Recognition of up to $10,000 for internationally trained workers in the foreign credential recognition process. Loan may pay for professional registration fees, licensing and examination fees, training and tuition fees and work tools. Tel: 514.843.7296
Centre d’évaluation des
diplômés internationaux
en santé (CÉDIS)
ServicesBridging Program Immigrants – Medical Graduates Information on CEDIS, assessment of clinical skills, internship and career transitions. Tel: 514.419.9220
Collège de l’immobilier du Québec Resources Immigrants – Real Estate Brokers Information on recognizing prior learning for courses and programs at Quebec’s largest real estate college, policy, procedure, and required documents. Fees apply. Tel: 514.762.1862
Education, Loisir et Sport Québec French & EnglishResources Links Immigrants Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC), the steps and a searchable database of all of the programs of study in Quebec where RAC is possible. Tel: 418.643.7095
Emploi Québec Resources & Services Immigrants – Foreign –Trained IPOP is an employment integration project for foreign-trained persons referred by a professional order. IPOP helps participants find their first job in their own trade or occupation and provides financial assistance to employers who hire foreign-trained individuals. Contact local CLE (local employment centre)
Immigration, Diversité et Inclusion Québec Resources Immigrants Information on Quebec, Quebec labour market, regulated professions or trades, comparative evaluation, and training if necessary.
Credential Evaluation Service Immigrants Converts foreign secondary and post-secondary educational qualifications into their Quebec equivalents. Services and assessment reports are available in English ad French. MontrealTel: 1.514.864.9191
Quebec toll Free
Tel: 1.877.864.9191
Online contact form
Mentorat Montréal French – Program Immigrants Mentorat Montréal – Immigrant Mentoring Program is designed to assist internationally trained immigrants to successfully navigate the Canadian labour market by matching them with experienced professionals with shared education, work experience and career goals. Tel: 514.842.2400 x 2040
Mon retour au cégep Resources Immigrants Offers information on all programs offered at the college level in Quebec. Info on benefits of continuing education, types of programs available and financial support. Prior training and professional experience can be evaluated and recognized within a DEC or AAEC training program. In some cases it may be possible to complete a program through a combination of courses and competency recognition. For some programs, you may be able to complete the entire program through RAC. Many continuing education departments offer RAC services. Tel: 514.381.8631Email:
Qualification Montréal French Resources Immigrants A reception and referral service for colleges and vocational school board programs in Information on Recognition of Acquired Comptencies (RAC) on the island of Montreal. Tel: 514.748.4646
TÉLUQ Program Immigrants A member of Canadian Virtual University, which permits eligible individuals to begin their university program prior to arriving in Canada.
Université Laval RAC – Institution Credits Immigrants Information on Recognition of Acquired Comptencies (RAC)
Université de Montréal RAC – Institution Credits Immigrants Information on Recognition of Acquired Comptencies (RAC)
Université du Québec à Montréal RAC – Institution Credits Immigrants Information on Recognition of Acquired Comptencies (RAC)
Université de Sherbrooke RAC – Institution Credits Immigrants Information on Recognition of Acquired Comptencies (RAC)


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