CAPLA presents
A Fall Virtual Conference
Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Eastern Time.
Join CAPLA to keep current about RPL policy, practice, research, and quality assurance in Canada. This Virtual Conference will be a live event held via Zoom. The formal event will be recorded and a link will be provided to all paid registrants following the live event.
Registration: The cost of the Virtual Conference is $150 plus tax for CAPLA members, $225 plus tax for non-members, and $25 plus tax for students.
Event Sponsor:
International qualification recognition conventions and the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on the prior learning ecosystem and recognition in general
Michael Ringuette, Coordinator, Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) at the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC)
This session will explore UNESCO qualification recognition conventions and their impact on the prior learning ecosystem, while also identifying opportunities brought by the COVID-19 pandemic in modernizing recognition policies and procedures.
In 2011, Michael Ringuette joined the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) team, at the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC). In 2017, he was promoted to head of CICIC.
At the pan-Canadian level, Michael has worked on the development of standards and tools for the community of academic credential assessors and organizations involved in qualification recognition issues, to support Canada’s compliance with obligations under the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC). Through CMEC, Michael has supported the consultation process with provincial and territorial governments, as well as with organizations involved in recognition in Canada, on the UNESCO 2019 Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education.
At the international level, Michael held the vice-chair position of the UNESCO Editing Group, whose key responsibility was to support UNESCO and Member States with finalizing the draft text of the Global Convention. Michael was also a member of the Canadian delegation that attended the UNESCO intergovernmental meetings in 2018 and 2019, where negotiations were held on the draft Global Convention, and ensured that Canada’s interests were reflected in the final text approved by experts in March 2019. Michael also held the vice-presidency of the European Network of Information Centres (ENIC) from 2013 to 2014. He also held the chair of a working group led by the Council of Europe, UNESCO, and the European Commission to facilitate communications between those 55 national information centres that make up the ENIC-NARIC Networks from 2015 to 2020.
Throughout his career, Michael has been a strong advocate for student and professional mobility, and its benefits for individuals and society as a whole. Michael spent nine years of his career working and traveling abroad.
The necessity of an international Indigenous recognition of prior learning (RPL) practitioner manual
Karihwakeron Tim Thompson, Chair, International Indigenous Recognition of Prior Learning Collective
The presentation will provide a background to why the practitioner manual was developed and address the importance to Indigenous learners of Indigenous RPL processes. An overview of the five modules will include a focus on Indigenous RPL models developed by Indigenous peoples in Chile, Nunavut, South Africa, Coast Salish territory, and Mohawk Territory.
Karihwakeron Tim Thompson is the Chair of the International Indigenous Recognition of Prior Learning Collective.
Economic impact of prior learning assessments in BC
Kevin Wainwright, PhD, Associate Dean, School of Business and Media, BCIT, and Director, BCIT SITE Centre; and Justine Arsenault, Program Planning Analyst, BCIT SITE Centre
This presentation will share the economic impact of prior learning assessments in British Columbia. The presenters will address the current state of prior learning assessments in BC’s public post-secondary institutes and the return on investment. The BCIT presenters conducted the economic impact study on behalf of BC’s Prior Learning Action Network (BC PLAN).
Kevin Wainwright, PhD is the Associate Dean in BCIT’s School of Business and Media and the Director of the BCIT SITE Centre, which carries out research in human capital. He developed BCIT’s Advanced Placement and Prior Learning (APPL) Program, which assists mature students by providing learning recognition and fast-track credential options. In addition to his role at BCIT, Kevin sits as a Board Member of BC PLAN.
Justine Arsenault is a Program Planning Analyst with the BCIT SITE Centre and member of BC PLAN. In her role at BCIT, she is responsible for assessing the knowledge, skills and experiences of mature students and advising them on educational pathways based on the APPL method. She also manages the BCIT Legion Program, providing prior learning assessments and career development or transition support to Canadian Armed Forces members.
Why is RPL critical to healthcare and the CCA vocation?
Cailleagh Sharples, CCA Certification Coordinator, CCA Program – Health Association of Nova Scotia
In this session, we will take a brief dive into the workings of the Continuing Care Assistant (CCA) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Program and the positive impact the CCA RPL Program has made on recruitment and retention before and during the COVID-19 crisis. Also, we will discuss the contribution of government (NS DHW) in recognizing the value of RPL from both an employer and funding perspective during the pandemic and adjusting to the new normal.
Cailleagh Sharples has been the RPL Program lead since she was hired in 2007. During this time, she rolled out the CCA RPL Program throughout NS, worked collaboratively with key stakeholders to recognize and mitigate challenges, developed and enhanced quality controls, led the numerous revisions for the RPL Program, and continues to evolve the program based on statistics as well as industry, participant, and navigator feedback. Cailleagh continues to lead the RPL Program with passion, enthusiasm and a dedication to quality.
Cailleagh graduated with a Bachelor of Science, went on to gain her Early Childhood Education through equivalency, obtained her Certificate in Adult Education, received her Foundations in Portfolio Development and Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition certificates, and has completed all the modules for the National Association of Regulatory Accreditation (NARA).
Registration Details
The cost of the Virtual Conference is $150 plus tax for CAPLA members, $225 plus tax for non-members, and $25 plus tax for students.
This Virtual Conference will be a live event held via Zoom. The formal event will be recorded and a link will be provided to all paid registrants following the live event.