Terms of Reference
Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
The purpose of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) for CAPLA’s “Ensuring Quality Assessment Practices though Training and Collaboration” Project is to provide advice, identify resources, and offer suggestions on the project’s development and implementation. It is anticipated that there will be at least two face-to-face meetings and additional teleconferences arranged by the project manager (PM) as required.
Roles and Responsibilities
Members of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) will:
- Serve as project advocates
- Provide advice to the PM and CAPLA on all aspects of the project
- Respond to requests for information, data and/or resources, as appropriate
- Review progress reports on a variety of topics as prepared by the PM and CAPLA and provide timely feedback
- Offer ideas, guidance and suggestions regarding each deliverable, e.g., webinars and manual
- Extend awareness and engagement through organizational participation in communication opportunities
- Establish subcommittees as needed
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Project Advisory Committee
Shirley Amichand | RPL Standards Working Group (SIAST) |
Jennifer Archer | International Indigenous RPL Collective (Arctic College) |
Elisabeth Barot | Canadian Commission for UNESCO |
Deb Blower | RPL Standards Working Group - Chair, CAPLA Board (Red River College) |
Tanya Chute-Molina | Ontario Office of the Fairness Commissioner (OFC) |
Maria Desjardins | RPL Standards Working Group (NSCC) |
Susan Francolini | Employment and Social Development Canada (formerly HRSDC) |
Gail Hall | RPL Standards Working Group (Consultant) |
Herb Heron | Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) |
Karine Hopper | National Association of Career Colleges |
Marianne Kayed | Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks (CCLB) |
Eileen Kelly-Freake | CAPLA Board (Association for New Canadians-AXIS Career Services) |
Bonnie Kennedy | CAPLA Board (CAPLA) |
Lindsay Kennedy | Canadian Literacy and Learning Network (CLLN) |
Mike Luff | Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) |
Simon Cardinal | Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) |
Diana MacKay | Conference Board of Canada |
Vanessa Margueratt | Fair Registration Practices Act (FRPA), NS Labour & Advanced Education |
Philip Mondor | CAPLA Board (Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council) |
Lois Morin | RPL Standards Working Group (Advanced Education and Literacy, Gov of Manitoba) |
Margot Morrish | FLMM - Foreign Qualifications Recognition Working Group |
Ximena (LIM) Munoz | Office of the Manitoba Fairness Commissioner (OMFC) |
Cynthia Murphy | Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) |
Christine Nielsen | Canadian Network of National Associations of Regulators (CNNAR) |
Tim Owen | World Education Services (WES) |
Amanda Roberts | CAPLA Board (SAIT Polytechnic) |
Hans Rouleau | Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC) |
Norma Strachan | Canadian Coalition of Community-Based Employability Training (CCCBET) |
Nancy Tran | Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) |
Frank Vandenburg | CAPLA Board (CCNB/PETL) |
Lauren Waples | RPL Standards Working Group (Red River College) |
Sarah Watts-Rynard | Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF) |
Maria Wilson | Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) |
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