Register for CAPLA’s spring RPL event
CAPLA’s 2023 virtual professional development program focuses on the heart of PLAR/RPL practices: Assessment. The 3-webinar series follows the varying types of assessment practices that people go through as they complete the RPL process.
Webinar 1 focuses on the use of self-assessment at the start of the process.
Webinar 2 focuses on the importance of Credit Transfer, and the assessing of Non-Formal and Informal Learning.
Webinar 3 focuses on the use of Challenge Assessment/Evaluation Tools.
The webinars introduce a variety of perspectives including academic, accrediting board, career development, industry and sector councils who use RPL practices with their clients. The aim of the webinars is to give concrete takeaways for RPL practitioners to reflect on and hopefully enhance their practice. The webinars consist of 1 hour of presentations and then break-out rooms to dive deeper into the subject matter.
As in other years, you can register for one session or all three. And since all our sessions are on Zoom, video recordings can be sent to you if one of the dates becomes problematic.
Webinar 1
Self Assessment in RPL
Wednesday, June 7, 2023 | 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm (Eastern)
1. Accrediting Board Self-Assessment
Presenter: Lindsay Guitard, Registrar and Certification Manager, Nova Scotia Career Development Association (NSCDA)
The Nova Scotia Career Development Association’s (NSCDA) Career Development Certification Program (CDCP) is a competency based RPL Assessment model towards obtaining a Provincially recognized CCDP™ designation. Throughout this panel discussion Lindsay will present the CDCP program’s Self-Assessment Tool for potential candidates. The Self-Assessment Tool provides the potential candidate an opportunity to explore and reflect upon their past and current work experience to determine if they meet the eligibility requirements for the Assessment program.
2. Portfolio/Career Development Self-Assessment
Presenter: Elizabeth Nicholas, CHRP, CHRL, CCDP/Virtual Employment & Education Specialist / HR Support
The Trenton Military Family Resource Centre (Trenton MFRC) and Military Family Services (MFS) have been working in partnership to provide Portfolio Development Courses to military and veteran spouses worldwide since the spring of 2020. Prior to this, Liz provided onsite sessions for both military and veteran spouses as well as military members who were transitioning to civilian life. Throughout this panel Liz will discuss her program and the self-assessment tools that have helped hundreds of clients unearth their prior learning to leverage towards their next great adventure.
3. Academic Self-Assessment
Presenter: Andy Brown, CAPLA Chair and RAC (RPL) Advisor, Champlain College-Saint Lambert
This presentation will focus on the use of a self-evaluation/validation tool and process, which has been designed and mandated by the Ministry of Education in Quebec to gain access to RPL (RAC) services towards a College-Level qualification (AEC or DEC). It will briefly explain the creation of the tool for each qualification’s competencies and specific learning objectives. Moreover, it will highlight the tool’s utility to help potential candidates decide if the qualification is a “right fit” towards their personal, professional development goals. In addition, it will explain the “Validation Interview” process with a subject matter expert to ensure that potential candidates will achieve success as they progress through the RPL process. In closing, it will review the self-assessment/validation process’ reporting procedure, which acts as a roadmap for candidates to navigate the RPL (RAC) process and determine their “best fit” evaluation method of their competencies.
About the speakers

Lindsay Guitard
Registrar and Certification Manager
Nova Scotia Career Development Association (NSCDA)
Lindsay joined the NSCDA’s Office of Registrar Team in 2021. With more than 12 years in health care administration focusing on program service delivery, process governance and stakeholder engagement.
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Elizabeth Nicholas, CHRP, CHRL, CCDP
Virtual Employment & Education Specialist / HR Support
Elizabeth Nicholas, Career Specialist, is the host of Your Employment Detective, a podcast for Military and Veteran Spouses seeking to solve their career mysteries.
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Andy Brown
CAPLA Chair and RAC (RPL) Advisor
Champlain College-Saint Lambert
Andy has taught for over 30 years in a variety of contexts. For the last 12 years he was a Pedagogical Counsellor at Champlain College-Saint Lambert in Montreal. He had the absolute pleasure and honour of working with a deeply caring and committed RPL (RAC) Team delivering an RPL service towards a college qualification (AEC) in Transport & Logistics (T&L). Andy was at his happiest supporting and guiding the students and content specialists of the T&L Team.
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Webinar 2
Credit Transfer, and Assessing Non-Formal and Informal Learning
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm (Eastern)
1. Credit Transfer
Presenter: Ji Ae Rhee, Academic Pathways Coordinator, Centennial College
Centennial College’s transfer credit application and assessment process has been fully online since 2014. In this presentation, we’ll explore the process that students go through to apply for transfer credit, including how they are informed of the standards and how they can seek advising. We will also examine how faculty members are trained to assess transfer credit, which covers points such as access to the online system and learning outcome comparisons. Throughout the entire process, the College applies policies and procedures that support quality assurance to ensure that assessments are fair and consistent.
2. Assessing Non-Formal Learning
Presenter: Gary McNeely, PhD, Brandon University
In this segment of today’s webinar, we will examine one process for assessing non-formal learning. CAPLA defines this as “learning usually offered by a sector, professional group, or a company to deal with specific training needs. [A] formal assessment may or may not be included” {Quality Assurance for the Recognition of Prior Learning in Canada: The Manual, 2015, p. 49}. We will explore different dimensions of this definition by studying a range of examples. We will then follow the assessment process adopted at Brandon University to demonstrate how it addresses CAPLA’s 9 Quality Assurance Principles. The presentation will close with a review of challenges in this endeavor and suggestions for addressing these hurdles.
3. Assessing Informal Learning
Presenter: Anna McBeth, Employment and Bridging Supervisor, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)
ISANS has been an advocate in the assessment and recognition of international education and experience for over 40 years. In collaboration with all levels of governments, regulatory and education institutions, we developed effective solutions for immigrants to bridge into the workforce in regulated fields. This presentation will provide information on some of the programs and services and their impact on the labour market and community.
About the speakers

Ji Ae Rhee
Academic Pathways Coordinator
Centennial College
Ji Ae is the Academic Pathways Coordinator at Centennial College, having joined the institution in 2015 with more than a decade of experience in education.
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Gary McNeely, PhD
Brandon University
Gary McNeely serves the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Coordinator at Brandon University and was involved in development and implementation of the PLAR Policy and Procedures in 2000. He has been a CAPLA member and a Manitoba Prior Learning Assessment Network (MPLAN) a board member since 2000.
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Anna McBeth
Employment and Bridging Supervisor
Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)
Anna’s career has spun over the last 20 years, starting with her contribution to the development of future leaders in Ukraine and further transitioning into employment counselling, job development, and leadership roles at the Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia.
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Webinar 3
Challenge Assessment/Evaluation Tools in RPL
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm (Eastern)
1. RPL Assessment in Industry
Presenter: Jillian Borreson, Brandon Flight Centre
This segment aims to demystify the world of flight training by providing an overview of the training standards as set by Transport Canada as well as the training resources, assessment tools and continued professional development that pilots undergo to receive and maintain their licenses. Following that we will discuss how, despite a nationalize training standard, schools can and do vary in regard to their curriculum, and how those variations may impact your assessment as PLAR professionals. Finally, we will close by exploring the important role PLAR recognition will have moving forward in addressing the pilot shortage and in making flight training more accessible overall.
2. RPL Assessment in Sector Council
Presenter: Kelly Henderson, Executive Director, Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic
This discussion will showcase how we have been able to introduce RPL into the trucking sector in Atlantic Canada. The more in-depth example will focus on our dispatcher RPL process along with how we balance some of those gaps to achieving designation. What have we learned? What are our next steps?
3. RPL Assessment in Academic Context
Presenter: Clarence deSchiffart, Consultant, Trainer, and Counsellor
This presentation will give participants an overview of what you might see looking in your assessment toolbox: the types of assessment used in RPL, some considerations you need to think about when developing them, as well as what tool to choose to use in what context.
About the speakers

Jillian Borreson
Academic Pathways Coordinator
Centennial College
Jillian Borreson is the Program Coordinator for Brandon Flight Centre and has been the force behind the rejuvenation of the flight training program here in Westman since 2019.
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Kelly Henderson
Executive Director
Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic
Kelly’s passion for the Trucking Industry began in 1993, where she started as an Administrative Assistant. Various promotions and Industry participation led her to her current role as Executive Director of THRSC Atlantic, which she has held since 2004.
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Clarence deSchiffart
Consultant, Trainer, and Counsellor
Clarence DeSchiffart has extensive experience in career development and RPL for job seekers and organizations.
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